
Cholesterol Levels and Blood Sugar Levels

There is a relationship between blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels. Glucose levels in blood tend to increase at about an hour after a meal. The muscles and the cells absorb glucose in the bloodstream to be used as energy and then the sugar level goes back to normal. It is the hormone insulin that facilitates the entry of glucose into the cells to be converted into energy. Sometimes, glucose lingers longer in the bloodstream than it should. This could be a cause of alarm as too much sugar in high concentration that circulates in the blood may be dangerous and can damage internal organs. Constant high normal glucose may be an indication that cells may be becoming less responsive to insulin.

Then the pancreas may secrete additional insulin to bring back the balance but when it fails to accomplish this, glucose starts to build up and over time that may result in type2 diabetes. When the body is not able to use the extra sugar in the bloodstream, it is converted into stored energy in the form of fat. Most of the time diabetes is preceded by obesity and cholesterol levels tend to be high. Cholesterol has something to do with the amount of fat in the blood and diabetes with the levels of sugar in the blood. When these two situations come together, a disastrous health condition may result.

The most dangerous fat is usually deposited around the waistline and it may be a cause for blood sugar levels to shoot up. Belly fat can produce some substances that may cause not only inflammation but also clotting. It also contributes to the onset of diabetes. Aside from diabetes, belly fat may also trigger cardiovascular problems such as atherosclerosis. Treating high cholesterol levels may just be like treating high blood sugar through healthy foods, exercise and weight control and an overall healthy lifestyle.
