Insulin and a Normal Blood Sugar Level

Insulin is a hormone

Insulin is a hormone that is released in our bodies in response to eating food and the resultant entry of glucose into the bloodstream. Insulin acts to shuttle glucose and other nutrients to our cells. The key to a normal blood sugar level is how sensitive or resistant your body is to the effects of insulin. Insulin sensitive individuals respond quickly to the release of insulin and need a lower level of insulin to provide transport of glucose to muscles and other tissues. Insulin resistant individuals typically have higher blood sugar levels, because their bodies do not respond to the initial release of insulin and the body releases massive quantities of insulin to do the same job that less insulin produces in an insulin sensitive individual.


Exercise is an excellent to means to increase insulin sensitivity. Exercise increases the bodies need for fuel and helps to use the glucose as fuel to keep your body moving. Exercise also contributes to weight loss and a better muscle to fat ratio increases insulin sensitivity. Exercises such as weight lifting, done intensely, deplete the muscle of its glucose stores and increase it’s need for replenishment. Aerobic exercises, again done intensely have the same effect. Now all of this is for normal, fairly healthy individuals. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus a doctor’s care is necessary before starting any exercise regimen.

Normal blood sugar level

Another key to a normal blood sugar level is what you eat and how often you eat. Several smaller meals spaced out during the day, instead of fewer, larger meals, will change the amount of glucose produced from each meal. Also taking care to look at foods on the Insulin Index and see what response each food produces in insulin release can help an individual manage their blood sugar levels and get back to normal glucose levels.
